See Choccolocco Creek Up Close!
Choccolocco Kayak is a kayak rental facility located in Oxford, Alabama. We provide kayaks and transporation for a beautiful 1.5 – 2.0 hour float down Choccolocco Creek.
Visitors will be transported by van to the kayak put-in access point near Cider Ridge Golf Club. Visitors will float Choccolocco Creek until they reach the take-out access point at the kayak rental facility.
Users must be 18 years or older to rent kayaks. Users 8-17 years old must be accompanied by an adult to float in a standard kayak. Children under eight must float in a tandem kayak accompanied by an adult.
For more information, please call (256) 847-5191
- 25.00 for standard kayak
(includes paddle, life jacket, and transportation) - $50.00 for tandem kayak
(includes paddles, life jackets, and transportation) - $10.00 for own kayak
(includes transportation) - Group rentals and outings are available upon request
- Cash and credit cards accepted
- Friday-Saturday 9am-4pm (last launch at 2:00 pm)
- Sunday 12pm-4pm (last launch at 2:00 pm)
- Last kayak launch is at 2pm Friday -Sunday
Current Conditions
Gage height (also known as stage) is the height of the water in the stream above a reference point. Gage height refers to the elevation of the water surface in the specific pool at the stream gaging station, not along the entire stream. Gage height also does not refer to the depth of the stream. Measurements of gage height are continually recorded by equipment inside a gatehouse on the streambank.
Streamflow (also known as discharge) is the volume of water flowing past a given point in the stream in a given period of time. Streamflow is reported as cubic feet per second (ft3/s). Streamflow values are better indicators than gage height of conditions along the whole creek.